Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sorry! Here's day 1 - 3

Hello anyone who is still with me! I am very sorry for not updating, I've been to busy having fun. Although, I still have been writing, just not publishing.

Day 1

Day 1 of my Awesome European Trip! We got up this morning while it was still dark, 5 30am! But it was well worth it. The excitement of the trip still hadn’t quite sunk in. We boarded our plane to Singapore after flying to Sydney. The plane ride was long and not at all exciting, but it went fairly quickly and we arrived in Singapore! Singapore airport was massive; we probably walked along 400m of those flat escalators. We got on our bus and set off to the hotel. It was amazing to see Singapore, as it is on the equator the vegetation that can grow is very different to Australian vegetation. We got to our hotel, collapsed on the bed and slept!

Day 2
Our first full day in Singapore! We went out into the humid streets of Singapore and got breakfast. Food is very cheap here, you can get a good dinner for about S$10 which is around $8 Australian. We decided to go see the Jugong Bird Park where there are lots of exotic birds, we took the MRT (train) out then caught a bus. We wandered around the bird park, took the small monorail they have around the bird park allowing you to see all the different sections, and then fed the lorikeets. After the bird park we went to Little India, the Indian equivalent of China Town. Catching the MRT was quite fun, it was very clean, everything ran on time, and whenever someone old came onto the train, everyone would stand up to offer them their seat.

Day 3
Our last day in Singapore! Today we decided to have a look at the botanic gardens so we caught the bus out and wandered around for a while. The highlight of the botanic gardens was the Orchid Garden. You would think that looking at flowers would get very boring after a while, but you would turn a corner and be amazed by the beautiful orchids. As a souvenir of the Orchid Garden, and Singapore, I bought a beautiful orchid necklace. This necklace is an actual orchid, dipped in copper to preserve the shape, then plated with 24 karat gold. After the Orchid gardens we just wandered around the shops, then caught the MRT to our hotel. It was time to leave and go to the airport to catch our 12 hour flight to Paris! Walking around the Singapore airport was amazing, it is truly massive there. There are as many shops in their terminal as there are in the average Australian shopping centre. They even had a butterfly garden, a koi pond and a cinema. We boarded our plane, which was the new Airbus A380 that I was excited to be flying and began our long flight.

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