Monday, October 26, 2009

Day 23
Off to the Matterhorn! We got up early this morning to leave for Zermatt, but with some very nice stops along the way. Our first stop was the Calier chocolate factory, a wonderful place where entry is free, and you get to eat all the samples you want! After the chocolate factory was the Gruyer cheese factory (I live a very tough life!) where we got to see how Gruyer cheese was made, and then sample some. A few hours later we arrived at castle Chillon by Lake Geneva. We did a tour of this amazing 12th century castle, and I got some amazing picture. Later we arrived in Tasch and parked our cars then took the train to Zermatt, Zermatt is a car free town.

Day 24
Got up this morning very excited to go up the Matterhorn. We took a 15 minute walk to the cable car station then took 3 cable cars up to the Klein Matterhorn which is 3883m high! We went outside and threw a few snowballs around, I accidentally got my cousin Charlie in the face (whoops!) We then went into the Glacier tunnel, which was a beautiful tunnel about 3m in diameter that was drilled through solid ice! Inside it were some beautiful ice carvings. After the glacier tunnel we finally got to see the Matterhorn (4478m) from the viewing platform, of course there was a fluffy white cloud that stayed in front of the Matterhorn the entire time, so we didn’t get a good view of it. However I got some lovely photos of Breithorn (4164m) and of some groups of climbers making the difficult ascent to the top.

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