Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 16
Today was the day we went into the city of Vienna. We caught a train in to the information centre and worked out where we were going. First we went to the Jewish Museum, which was very interesting. We were expecting it to be more of a historical museum, but it had a very modern exhibit that was about stereotypes of Jews and other races & religions. After that museum we went to a second Jewish museum that was built over the remains of an old Jewish Synagogue, which you could see the foundations of underneath. After the Jewish museums we went to the Mozart museum. It was amazing being able to walk around the place that Mozart used to live.

Day 17
Today my aunt Bindi had to go to a presentation to a charity, so me and mum looked after her kids, Mia and Charlie. We took them to the Schonbrunn Zoo, one of the oldest zoos in the world. While we were at the zoo we saw a squirrel that came right up to us. Mia who is nicknamed the squirrel princess loved it, and after we left we asked her what animal she liked the most, she said the squirrel.

Day 18
Off to Italy today! Spent most of the day driving, then arrived at the place we are staying at. It was near Bolzano in Italy and is set high up on the mountain. On the drive there we stopped off at the Swarovski Museum. We had expected it to be about how the crystals were produced, but instead it was full of lots of weird artworks, the oddest being some dancing legs, without a body.

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