Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 0

Just setting this blog up! A little note to everyone, this blog will cover my trip to Europe, but is also here for my English teacher to look at for assessment. So feel welcome to correct my spelling and grammar if necessary! Its the day before we leave, and I am very excited, though not about the long and boring plane rides ahead of us!
My bag is packed, with only about 7 kilograms of my own clothing etc. There is probably about 3 kilograms of presents being taken over for my aunt and uncle in Vienna! I will try and post a new entry to my incredibly wonderful amazing exciting blog tomorrow! (IN SINGAPORE!)


  1. Amy, since you asked. You should write, It is (It's) the day before we leave..not its (which is possessive)

    Bet you can't wait until you see your uncle!

  2. Can I just say...that was Simon in the above post. I don't think he really knows anything about grammar because he still struggles with your/you're. Bindi xoxo

    PS. Got a new box of Lucky Charms for you this morning. We gave the last box I got you away to a sad Yankee.

  3. Hoping to see the pictures from your overnight stay in Singapore soon!
