Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 6 - 7 Paris

Day 6
Today we went to see the Notre Dame. As always it was surrounded by tourists, but nevertheless beautiful. The inside of it was astonishing, stained glass windows, high ceilings, beautiful statues and paintings. The worst thing about it was the tourists, there were very clear signs saying no flash photography, also with diagrams. Almost everyone completely ignored this, and to make it all worse, as it was a Sunday there was a mass going on.

After seeing the Notre Dame we walked to the Pantheon, a 2 minute walk from our street! It was absolutely beautiful in there; there were paintings and statues of the French revolution. Underneath the Pantheon there was crypt which contained the bodies of some French philosophers and writers. Next we went to the Musee de Cluny, which had some beautiful tapestries from medieval France. Once again, it was difficult to comprehend how old everything was. For our last museum of the day we went to the Musee de l’Orangerie to see Monet’s water lilies.

Day 7
Today was our last full day in Paris, so we did what every tourist does, we went to the Eiffel Tower. The queues there were very long, so we decided not to go up. Down the bottom of the tower was a gypsy with a note, we didn’t speak to her because we had read on the internet that they will try to scam money out of you. After the Eiffel Tower we caught the metro out to Sacre Coeur and walked around the church. The area that it was in, Montmartre, was very dirty and had an unsafe feeling to it. The last thing for the day was a walk down the Champs Elysee, it was full of overpriced designer shops. The highlight was some amazing statues of people that were missing a chunk of their upper bodies, and their head and shoulders looked like they were floating.

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