Sunday, November 1, 2009

Last few days!

Day 33
Another rest day today, we went to church in the morning and then rested during the afternoon. As we’re getting towards the end of our trip, mum and I are pretty tired.

Day 34
Our last full day in Vienna, we’re all going back to reality soon. Today we just decided to do the last few things that we really needed to. We got up and took the kids to school then headed off to Metro which is a big store that sells different products to business owners or people with special permission (such as a diplomats wife). They had some brilliant stuff there, my favourite being a 5kg jar of Nutella. Next we went into the city and just looked around, before going to the Hotel Sachre for some of the famous Sachre Torte. After wandering the shops for a little while longer we went and had a traditional Austrian lunch of savoury pancakes. After we picked the kids up we headed to the Prater; a big park filled with rides and little amusement stalls. Me and Mia went on two roller coasters and then on the dodgem cars 5 times! On the way home we told Charlie that it was our last day with them, his bottom lip stuck out and started trembling and then he asked ‘Mummy, why do they have to leave?’

Day 35
A sad day today, we’re leaving to go back home, in the morning we decided to do a little more shopping and just spend time with Bindi. As per my request, we went to the Lindt shop again and we tried some Christmas chocolate. It’s chocolate, with a hazelnut filling that has a hint of cinnamon and coriander to make it taste ‘Christmassy’, it was surprisingly good! While we were looking for a bag to take all of our chocolate back in, we had a look at the backpacks, thinking that they might be cheaper, it was shocking to see that the cheap ones were around 80 euro each! We decided to have a quick look for formal shoes, not expecting to find any as most shops were just selling winter shoes, and we found a beautiful pair of lacy gold shoes that were made in Milan (apparently the ‘Shoe Capital’). After our shopping we went to the airport and flew to Frankfurt, where we would then continue on to Singapore.

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